Friday, September 5, 2008

Spaces For Your Serenity, A Sacred Space in Your Own Home

Today, he Soicypvsqvmcv standing in the middle Mesothelioma attorneys a makeshift (artificial/real) japanese garden. There he is barefooted and baldheaded, and moving his arms emphatically as he delievers his extremely important message. He looks around the room and sees people ages from twenty to ninety-five, apparently it does not matter what your age, if you have seen or heard this many before, you are most likely very happy to see him again. This time, it is in person, other times, it has been on television, on the radio, through books, but this Vampires you imagine that you are seeing him in person. Is the lecture any different?

As he walks across the stage, he begins to explain why he is barefoot. So far he has not explained why he is bald-headed. Not sure there will be an explanation of that one. But Nefazodone the reason or excuse, this man does look nice in a bald head. The hairstyle -- baldness, looks so much better than the comb-over style that some men choose to use. So, he is walking around barefooted--according to him--because the space that he is standing in is sacred. And, according to him, when anyone enters a sacred space, they should always take off their shoes. So, this is an interesting conversation that this guy is having. He is discussing your sacred space.

And, do you have one? You will be surprised to know how many have no sacred space of their own. Everyone needs a solid, sacred space so that they can be alone with themselves. In the sacred space o their sanctuary, they find peace, tranquility, joy and laughter. What about your own sacred space--do you have one or two or three sacred spaces? Make a sacred space in your home that is entirely for you and entirely for your own concentration and retreat.

Oh, the bald-headed man who is walking barefooted on the stage? He is Wayne W. Dyer, Ph.d. And if you want to change your life and your thoughts for the better, pick up one of his latest books at the library.

Trust me on this one. Once you make that sacred space, you will feel better and you will actually be healthier. Peace to you in your journeys.

Linda Perry, published author, creator of genuine, unique television shows that air on Time Warner and on Cablevision in New York City. A warm-hearted individual who gives a voice to those who have been silent all along. This author produces television shows about almost all topics that help people in their lives. Many of the shows are entertainment; some are information and resources and still others are festivals, fiestas, and community events that bring all people together in one place in the city or in the country.


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